Graduation Requirements
2023-2024 WHS Program of Studies
Class of 2027
Students in the Class of 2027 are required to complete 12 hours of community service by May 1 of their senior year prior to graduation. Students who enroll at Whitehall High School after their sophomore year of high school (10th grade) will have their hours prorated by the administration.
When a student completes the 12 hours of community service, the student can complete the form in the Counseling Office to request approval of 0.5 Community Service Graduation Credit for their transcript. It is strongly recommended that students work to earn 3 hours per year or more to stay on pace to earn the Community Service Graduation Credit prior to graduation.
Class of 2024, 2025, & 2026
Students in the Classes of 2024, 2025, and 2026 may complete community service prior to graduation but are not required to complete this as a graduation requirement.